Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekly Update 10/27

Good morning!
  • It's Red Ribbon Week!  Students can earn extra credit in Language Arts by completing an essay and submitting it by Thursday.  Theme - Be Yourself: Be Drug and Bully Free!
    • Monday - Hat Day
    • Tuesday - Pajama Day
    • Wednesday - Wear Red
    • Thursday - Dress For Success
    • Friday - School Shirt Day
  • Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, October 29th.  Please sign and return the envelope on Thursday.  You may keep the copy of the report card.  
  • The Honor Roll assembly will be on Thursday.  Students earning A Roll, A/B Honor Roll, and Es in Work/Study Skills and Behavior will be recognized.  
  • State testing is changing and in upcoming years students will be required to type as part of their end of the year assessments. The link below is a website that your child can use to practice typing. Your child has been given login information. Happy Typing!