Thursday, October 9, 2014

New Accelerated Reader Homework

Dear Parents,

There is one week left in the first grading period, and the majority of students have not met their requirement for AR.  Students will receive 2 grades for the 9 weeks showing their cumulative AR quiz grade, as well as a grade based on the percentage of their goal that they completed.  For example, if a student's average quiz grade is 65% and they only completed 50% of their goal, they just earned a D and a F that will be factored into their 9 week average.  Not good!  EVERY student is capable of meeting his/her goal, because it is based on their individual reading ability.

I am asking parents to help monitor your child's reading at home.  Starting on Friday, a reading log will be sent home for homework, and should be returned to school the following Thursday.  During this time, students should read for at least 5 days, and record specific information on the sheet, as well complete a short written response related to their reading.  Parents are asked to verify the number of minutes read, and initial the sheet each day that your child read.  Before the form is returned on Thursday, please help your child count the total number of minutes read and sign the bottom of the sheet.  The log will be sent home over the weekend to allow flexibility with completion.  Students should read for a minimum of 20 minutes, five days a week.  Please ensure that your child is reading an AR book.  I am hopeful that increased reading at home will help to improve your child's reading skills and will enable them to meet their AR goal!!

I will enter your child's homework grades like I described with the Florida Studies Weekly.  The log will be worth 100 points x 5, or 500 points.  If your initials are missing and or a day is not completed, 100 fewer points will be entered per day.

Your support with AR, as well as with other homework is always appreciated!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Rodriguez