Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weekly Update 2/17

Good morning!

  • I'm VERY proud of the work students have been doing in Math.  Their Chapter 8 Test scores were fantastic!  The kids are enjoying watching their overall Math grades go up!  For a detailed Math grade report, check Parent Portal.  
  • Students will take the Chapter 9 Math Test on Friday or Monday.
  • Please check your child's agenda book nightly to see what they should have completed for homework.  Mrs. Rodriguez is asking that they focus on a different portion of writing each night.  
  • Behavior update:  We're reaching a time of year when behavior problems starts to increase.  Please encourage your child to follow all school rules and directions.  Some key phrases that we're using a lot are "the way you say things matters" and "we use nice words to speak to one another."  These two things can make all the difference in having a smooth school day.
  • Talking with your child's teachers:  We are happy to speak with you about grades, behavior, questions, etc.  We are asking that you send an appointment request in an email or a note in your child's agenda book (please tell them to show us, we don't check agendas every day).  Please understand that our time without students is limited and we are dedicated to maximizing the time we have with them, so we are not often able to take calls or meet with you if you come up to school without a scheduled appointment.  Thank you for understanding.  :)