Monday, February 9, 2015

We need to earn an A for Attendance!

Dear Parents,


If a grade was given to a class based on attendance, our class would get an F! 

Lately, we have had between 4 and 6 students walk into class late per day

Many of these students didn't show up until our class has already transitioned to their math class. 

We take attendance at 8:30.  Students prepare for the day, sharpening pencils, getting notebook paper, and listening to the announcements.  At 8:40, they go to class and the teacher begins instruction.  

This morning, from my homeroom class, 6 students were marked absent, and 3 later walked into class late.  When I started class with Mrs. Lynch's students, 4 were originally marked absent by Mrs. Lynch and 3 of those students ended up arriving to my class AFTER I introduced our next form of writing, and had already passed out the materials and explained what we were going to do. 

We want our students to succeed, but when they repeatedly miss out on instruction, it makes it difficult for them to catch up!  Additionally, it causes a disruption for the teacher and the class as students trickle in late and require attention.  

I am very appreciative when my students are in school on time and ready to start the day.  Please support attendance and punctuality in order for your child to be prepared for the rigor of fourth grade.  

Help us to earn an A in attendance!!

Mrs. Rodriguez