Thursday, February 12, 2015

Final Drafts are due tomorrow!

Text set: Helping Your Community
Informative Essay Example

          (This is an example of what we're looking for in your child's essay:)

            There are many ways that kids can help out in their community.  Kids can be a big help by cleaning up garbage in a park, or by training dogs to assist with people with disabilities.
            To begin with, helping to clean up garbage in a park is a wonderful way that kids can help out in their community.  In the story, A Clean Park by Joseph Long, it described how kids picked up garbage in their community park.  Tyler was riding his bike in the park when he noticed that there was lots of garbage on the ground such as soda bottles and old food wrappers.  The kids thought that the garbage looked gross!  He met up with Lauren and some other kids from school to pick up the garbage in bags.  The kids cleaned for about an hour.  When they were finished, they felt happy about how great their park looked!  What an awesome way to help out in their community!

            Next, another example of how kids can help out in their community is by training dogs to be the eyes, ears, and hands for people with disabilities.  In the article Healing Paws, by Stephanie Hurtz, I learned about a fifth grader named Cree Hayuga.  She spends each Wednesday afternoon training dogs.  Dogs are taught how to open and shut doors, turn lights on and off, and throw away trash for people with disabilities.  By volunteering with the dogs, Cree has leaned both patience and responsibility.  She also has lots of fun!  It has also inspired her to become a veterinarian when she grows up. 

            In conclusion, kids can make a difference in their community by volunteering.  Two great ways to make community contributions are by cleaning up a park and by volunteering to train dogs to help people with disabilities.