Thursday, November 20, 2014

Read, Springwood!

We have one more month until the semester is over!  Wow, how time flies!  We need your help to encourage your child to do like Nike says and "Just do it!"  Do what?  READ!!  Children who read regularly have broader vocabularies and perform better in school than non-readers.  Currently, out of the 47 students that Mrs. Lynch and I teach, only 19 are on track to reach their AR goal with a minimum percentage of 85%.  Today, students were given their due date for the next reading log.  The completed log is due on December 1st.  This will allow for plenty of time over the Thanksgiving holiday for completion.  Students have been instructed to check out an AR chapter book on their level before next Tuesday.  Please oversee this endeavor and get your child to read, read, read!

Mrs. Rodriguez