Thursday, November 6, 2014

Communication Survey Feedback

THANK YOU to the parents that filled out and returned our Communication Survey on time!  (It's not too late to send it in.  We want to hear from you!)  We want to do our best to give you all of the information you need to help your child in a clear and easy way.  We want to answer some of your feedback:

Social Studies/Florida Studies Weekly:

  • Sent home each Thursday. 
  • Assignments are due back the following Thursday.
  • Required assignments: All "Think and Review Questions" answered in complete sentences.  Crossword puzzle completed.  (Worth 300 points in the grade book)
    • On a week that there isn't a crossword puzzle on the newspaper, check your child's agenda-book for that week's assignment. 
  • A quiz will be given in class on the Thursday the work is due.
  • Students may use their answers to the "Think and Review Questions" and crossword puzzle, as well as the newspaper to answer the quiz questions.
  • We do not have extra copies of the newspaper. 
Reading Log:
  • Students choose an AR book from the Media Center.
  • Students may check out books from the Media Center once a day.
  • Students must log a minimum of 100 minutes each week and have 5 entries completed.
  • Parents should sign after each reading session. 
  • Reading Logs are due on Thursday each week.  
  • New Reading Logs are given out on Thursdays. 
Emails vs the blog:
  • We do not send regular emails.  Information is posted to the blog, often many times a week.
  • You can sign up to have the blog send you emails when we post.  There is a delay and you may not receive it until later that day.  We cannot control this.
  • We use the blog instead of emails because it provides one place for everything and it's easy to look back at past information.
  • The blog can be accessed from a phone!
  • We are happy to respond to parent questions via email.  Please note that we cannot always respond immediately. 
Text Messages:
  • These are sent using an app called Remind 101.  You cannot respond back to the messages we send.
  • We send reminders of things such as report cards, project due dates and field trips.  It is not used for communication about daily homework assignments.
  • You may request a conference at any time.  Please send us an email or a note (please tell your child about the note, sometimes they don't give it to us).
  • Our typical availability for conference is as follows.  Please always confirm with us, as we may already have something scheduled.
    • 8:00am  Monday, Thursday and Friday
    • 12:50pm  Monday-Friday
  • We can also do a phone conference if that fits your schedule better.  Just ask!  
Pinpoint (our gradebooks):
  • This is the fastest way to know how your child is doing!  If you have misplaced your child's log-in information, just ask us.
  • Students should be using their agenda-books to keep track of assignments.  We both have our own agenda-books and display the assignments on the board for the students to copy.  
  • Please check them nightly.
Internet Access:
  • If you're struggling with internet access, we have a Parent Resource Room in the Media Center that is open during school hours for you!
  • Also, the new Public Library on Fred George Road is a beautiful facility.