Friday, November 14, 2014

AR progress

Next week marks the mid point in the 9 week grading period.  At that point, students should have earned at least 50 % of their AR points with a minimum average of 85%.  Congratulations to the following students who have already met that milestone:


Many students are far, far behind in earning their quarterly AR points!  With only AR reading being assigned for Language Arts homework, the expectation is that ALL students would be on track to meet his/her goal.  Students have an opportunity daily to go to the library and should always have a chapter book and a picture book checked out.  Students can earn at least half a point daily for passing picture book tests, and if they read and test on a chapter book every 2 weeks, they should have ample  points earned by December.  It looks like we may need to reintroduce our students to AR study hall instead of recess.  We can offer them the "gift" of time  to take care of necessary reading!