Thursday, April 9, 2015

Upcoming Field Trip

This letter is coming home tomorrow to students with satisfactory behavior.  Please note that if your child receives a letter, but their behavior status declines prior to the trip, they may not be able to attend.  Good behavior is a necessity in order to go on this trip.  Please continue to encourage your child to be on his/her best behavior!  

Joe Budd Aquatic Center
April 10, 2015

Dear Parents,

            On May 4th/5th our classes will be taking a field trip to Joe Budd!  Joe Budd Aquatic Education Center (JBAEC) is located just outside Tallahassee, in the midst of a Wildlife Management Area, and provides an opportunity for students to learn about aquatic ecology in a natural setting. Students participate in a study of pond life and are provided with equipment and supervised instruction while they enjoy fishing in JBAEC's well-stocked 15-acre pond.
Having enough chaperones is crucial to any field trip. By actively supervising, chaperones can help to make sure our children are safe and add to the enjoyment of the trip.   If you can help out in this capacity, please indicate below.  We may need some chaperones to drive and/or ride in cars, as bus space is sometimes limited.  If you are willing to do this, please indicate that below also.  Thank you in advance!
            Students must have satisfactory behavior to be eligible to attend. 
Please encourage your child to dress in comfortable and appropriate clothes and shoes.  This particular trip will be entirely outdoors.  Please make sure that sunscreen and/or bug repellent have been applied before they come to school.  Hats and sunglasses are welcome on this day to provide additional sun protection.
We will leave school around 9:30 am and return around 1:00 pm.  The cost of this field trip is $6 per child.  All money and permission slips are due on or before Monday, April 27th.  We cannot accept checks.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at 488-6225.
Rodriguez/Lynch – May 4th
Blake/Vaughn- May 5th
                                                                                    The 4rd Grade Team

My child,  ___________________________, has my permission to go on the Joe Budd field trip.

Parent Signature

                        ____ I can chaperone.
____ I am willing to drive my own car, if needed.