Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekly Update 9/15


  • Math looks SO different these from the way we were taught!  Kahn Academy is a GREAT resource.  There are tutorials to help both you and your child.  Best's FREE!  Students know how to access their Math book online as well.  Just go here.  Math notebooks are another great tool.  Students can bring home this resource at any time, but it must return to school the next day (same with their Math book).  
  • Students have an AVID checklist in their agenda books.  They did a self-assessment of their agenda book and school notebook.  Please review this with your child.  
  • Remember to look at and sign your child's agenda book nightly.
  • You will notice a few tests in your child's Math grade in Pinpoint that do not count towards their overall grade and have been entered for tracking purposes. The Beginning of the Year Test and Chapter 2 Pretest are two examples.  These tests are used to give me information about what your child already knows and are an easy way to measure their learning and growth.  Please do not worry when you see them!  While they show up, it does not factor into their report card grade.