Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Open House Information

It looks like we had about 50% of our students represented at last night's Open House.  The parents who attended learned all about policies, procedures, how to stay in touch, how to stay informed about class events, how to receive weekly grade updates via email, as well as other valuable information regarding their child's fourth grade experience.

If you were unable to attend, we will be sending home your child's parent portal information.  We're counting on you to seek the information you missed so you'll be "in the know!"

During our presentation, Mrs. Lynch and I emphasized the importance of working collaboratively to help your child to build study/work skills, as well as personal responsibility.  We are asking parents who did not attend to make sure that you read pages 2-12 in your child's agenda book to familiarize yourself with school policies, procedures, dress code information, school dates, etc.  Also, we would like for you to subscribe to this new blog in order to receive blog updates via email, and to sign up for text reminders.

We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year!

P.S.  Mrs. Lynch and I had a little contest going on last night to see which of us would have the most parents attending.  Sadly, I lost!!  Let's see if next time, we can both double our numbers!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Rodriguez