Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Veterans Day Essay


Write to explain who Veterans are and what contributions they have made to our country.

Due- October 29th

Judging- November 5th

Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekly Update 9/29

Hello!  Hard to believe we're already heading into October!

  • Picture day is Wednesday, October 1st.  These pictures are head shots only, so the girls can leave their fancy shoes at home.  We'd hate for them to get messed up on the playground.
  • There is no school on Friday!
  • Have you checked your child's AR progress?  Students should have completed more than half of their goal by this point in the 1st nine weeks.  Dr. Small and Mrs. Austin are checking and rewarding students that have made good progress towards their goal.
  • Reading tests are going to start coming home after completion.  Please use these as a way to review and reteach skills.
  • Students will be taking a Pretest for each Math chapter.  These are a great resource to work with your child on to help prepare them for their end of chapter tests.  Please look in Think Central to see these tests.  They are only available online.
  • Did you know we have a Parent Resource Room at Springwood?  It's located in our Media Center.  There are computers and a printer for you to use, as well as books that you can borrow. 
  • Students are taking timed multiplication tests two times a week in Math.  Ask your child what fact they're currently working on.  We have students working as high as 4s right now.  By the end of the week, I expect some will have moved up to 5s!  Practice facts with your child for a few minutes each night!  
  • Paint The Town Pink is on Thursday!  Wear pink!
  • In the future…
    • October 7th – SAC Meeting – 12:00
    • October 7th – PTO Meeting – 6:00
    • October 7th – Curriculum Night for Math at 6pm - Pizza will be provided
    • October 8th – Spirit Night at Chick Fil A on N. Monroe – 4:00-8:00 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Conferences/Progress Alerts

Dear Parents,

We've received several emails and phone calls since Progress Alerts went home yesterday.  Before contacting us for a conference, please check Parent Portal to review all of your child's assignment grades.  Look to see your child's grades on the tests, as they count for 80% of the Language Arts and Math grade.  Also, look to see the number of times homework was not turned in.  Included, but not for a grade, are your child's percentage correct on AR quizzes.  Many students  have performed poorly on their AR tests.  If you have set up your account settings to receive weekly grade updates, please note that if you receive a notification prior to a test grade being entered, the grade may change drastically once a poor test grade is entered.  Also, please be aware that new posts on our blog seem to not be sent immediately.  You may find it helpful to log into the blog at least twice a week to keep current.  Extra credit is being offered weekly in Wonders.  This past week, only 3 students took advantage of this opportunity.  Another assignment is already posted for next week.  We have duty 3 mornings and 3 afternoons per week, making our conference availability very slim.  Email communication would be the quickest way for us to relay information to you regarding your child's performance.  However, if you would like a face to face meeting, we will do everything we can to accommodate you.  


Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Lynch

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Progress Alerts and Other Info


Progress Alerts are coming home today.  Please review your child's grades, sign and return the report.  If you'd like more information about their grades, please check Parent Portal and then send us an email with any questions that you have.   (Mrs. Rodriguez – Language Arts, rodriguezc@leonschools.net   Mrs. Lynch – Math, lyncht@leonschools.net)

The 4th graders are participating in an essay contest that is sponsored by the Pilot Club.  This is a required assignment.  Mrs. Rodriguez went over with the students today.  The topic is "Veterans – Who are they and what did they do for our country?"  The entry form is a bright yellow piece of paper that was attached to your child's Progress Alert.  Please keep this in a safe place!  It needs to be attached to their essay. 

Mark your calendars for our Math night on October 7th from 6-7:30pm.  Parents that attend will learn ways to help their child in Math and be served a FREE PIZZA DINNER!

Picture day is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th.

Thank you,
Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Rodriguez

Complex Word Problem in Math

Today we learned and practiced the standard algorithm for multiplying 2 by 1 digit numbers.  (This means I taught them to multiply the way you and I learned to multiply!)

Below you will see the notes we took today.  (The students completed the examples, I did them on the board.)  I want to draw your attention to the word problem on the bottom of the second page. This is a COMPLEX problem, with 3 steps!  These are the sorts of problems that students must be able to solve on their Chapter Tests.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Math Homework

As we move forward into multiplying large numbers, your child will learn a number of difference strategies and ways to multiply.  Today we worked on area models and the distributive property.  Here's a picture of my notes that we wrote together in class today.

Weekly Update

Good morning!

  • Progress Alerts will go home on Wednesday.
  • Students will take their Mid-Chapter 2 Math Quiz tomorrow!
  • The PTO is collecting new and gently used books for Family Reading Night and a book swap. There is a donation box in the front office. 
  • Safety reminders:  students should be dropped off in the front of the school only (unless it's before 7:30 and they attend the before school program), parents must sign-in in the front office before walking onto campus, car tags are needed in hand or hanging from your mirror for parent pick-up, students cannot not be dropped off until 7:45am.

Language Arts Extra Credit!

Last Friday I posted an assignment in Wonders that your child can complete for extra credit.  Once your child has logged into Wonders, they will click on their "To Do" list.  The assignment is listed, as well as the directions.  I went over the assignment with the students in detail.  Students can print out the page  or copy their answers onto notebook paper.  I've chosen to use the Approaching level book as review and for support of previously taught skills.  If your child completes the assignment correctly and turns it in tomorrow, he/she will receive an extra credit classwork grade.  There is no penalty for non completion of the assignment.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Parent Portal

We have been informed that the LCS Parent Portal is currently down and you cannot cannot access it.  They are working on the problem and hope to have it back up soon.

Avoid "key words." Ask "why?"

After our first chapter test, we spent the next 2 days diving into "How do I solve this question and WHY?"  The "why" is the most important part.  Many students are relying on "key words" to solve the lengthy word problems, rather than THINKING about what is happening.  If they're only looking at the "key words" then silly mistakes are happening and they're not able to understand the question.  Sometimes they end up giving up and just picking an answer.  Many students earned a lower score on heir test because of this...they understand how to add, subtract, etc.  What they don't understand is WHY they should use an operation.  They end up choosing the wrong one.  They add when they should have subtracted, and because of the key word they are sure they have done it correctly.  Then, they pick the closest answer, not the one that matches what they got.  DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOUR CHILD!

When I was in school I was taught key words.  You probably were too.  This makes the challenge even harder.  We have to STOP teaching our kids to use key words!  Instead we have to teach them to "think about what's happening and what makes sense." 

My goal is to teach your child to explain their thinking and why they do certain operations.  I want them to learn more than how to pass a test!  When you're looking over their homework, spend some time on the back page (where there are 6 word problems).  Ask them, "how do you solve this problem?" Then follow it up with, "why?"  Don't allow them to give answers such as, "the problem says 'how many more' so I knew to subtract." We practice this daily! Every class period starts with 2 word problems on skills we've already learned and word problems come up throughout each day's lesson.

Here are some examples of key words:

Friday, September 19, 2014

Class Spelling Bee

Our class spelling bee is on November 7th.  The spelling list is coming home today in your child's Friday folder. I do not have any more copies of the list, so please make sure your child puts it in a safe place.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Topic for essay contest

Below is the topic for the contest.  I have the entry form if your child is interested. 

Veterans- Who are they and what did they do for our county?

Pilot Club fifth annual Veterans' Essay Writing Contest

Below is information about the Pilot Club's Essay contest.  Students are encouraged to enter!!

The Pilot Club of Tallahassee is sponsoring its fifth annual Veterans’ Essay Writing Contest. The contest is open to all of the 4th grade classes at Springwood Elementary School, Tallahassee, FL. The contest will close on November 5, 2014. Winners will be announced prior to Veterans Day on November 11, 2014.
Rules: - Essay must be written about the theme shown at the
top of the page - Essay must be between 200-250 words, typed or
handwritten (the title or added footnotes do not
contribute to the word count) - You must write your own essay - Judging will be based on how well you understand,
develop and present the theme - Grammar and spelling will be included in the judging - Do not put your name on your essay, use an essay cover
sheet, showing your name and classroom teacher’s name - Secure the Entry Form with a staple on top of your
essay - The essay must be the contestant’s original work and
thinking - Quotations should be used sparingly - A contestant’s teacher, counselor, parent or guardian may
check the essay for punctuations, grammar and/or
spelling, but the content must remain the contestant’s - Contestants will be judged on the basis of their essay
and are not required to present the essay orally
Deadline: - All essays and entry forms must be completed and in
the hands of the Pilot Club Projects Chair not later than noon on November 5, 2014 (will be picked up at the Springwood Elementary School principal’s office)
1st Place Prize - $25 Lore2mnIpdsumPelt:ace Prize - $15
Work Street
3rd Place Prize - $10
Work City, Work State Work ZIP
Name: First Last Home Phone Essay Word Count Classroom Teacher
I give consent for my child’s picture to be taken and published
Parent/Guardian Signature
Not giving approval for your child’s picture to be taken does not prevent your child from participating in the Essay Contest
- All essays become the property of the Pilot Club of Tallahassee
- For additional information or questions, you may contact Claire Mikko, Projects Chair, Pilot Club of Tallahassee at (850) 294-1188 or bikndon@comcast.net
To learn more about the Pilot Club of Tallahassee, please visit www.tallahasseepilot.org You may also be interested in visiting www.pilotflorida.org and www.pilotinternational.org

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


At the end of each quarter, students will receive a language arts grade for their cumulative average and one for the percent of their AR goal that was completed. Currently, many students are not on track to meet their goal.  As a result, students will be given time each day next week during study hall to catch up with their reading.  Ask your child to explain the "SWAG" Board to you!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekly Update 9/15


  • Math looks SO different these from the way we were taught!  Kahn Academy is a GREAT resource.  There are tutorials to help both you and your child.  Best part...it's FREE!  Students know how to access their Math book online as well.  Just go here.  Math notebooks are another great tool.  Students can bring home this resource at any time, but it must return to school the next day (same with their Math book).  
  • Students have an AVID checklist in their agenda books.  They did a self-assessment of their agenda book and school notebook.  Please review this with your child.  
  • Remember to look at and sign your child's agenda book nightly.
  • You will notice a few tests in your child's Math grade in Pinpoint that do not count towards their overall grade and have been entered for tracking purposes. The Beginning of the Year Test and Chapter 2 Pretest are two examples.  These tests are used to give me information about what your child already knows and are an easy way to measure their learning and growth.  Please do not worry when you see them!  While they show up, it does not factor into their report card grade.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Students/Parent Resources in Wonders

When you or your child logs on to Wonders, you will find an abundance of resources!  From the week's skills/strategies, spelling words, stories, games, and practice book pages, you will find a wealth of materials that your child can use at home!  Check it out!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reading Assessment

Dear Parents,

Today your child brought home the Unit 1, Week 2 reading test.  The test consists of 20 multiple choice questions and one extended written response question.  The students detached the written response, and it will be assessed using a 4 point rubric.  The first two assessments  have been counted as classwork grades.  Starting with the Unit 1, Week 3 test, students will complete the test using paper/pencil before entering it online.  Once we get into a routine, parents can expect an instructional/testing cycle to last 6-7 school days.  This means that for approximately 6 days, students focus on the following elements of literacy:
1.  Phonological awareness
2.  Phonics
3.  Fluency
4.  Vocabulary and Language
5.  Text Comprehension
6.  Writing

These elements are taught through whole group and small group instruction using multiple texts.  On the 7th day of the cycle, students take the assessment covering the specific skills and strategies that were taught and practiced using a "fresh read."  The Wonders program emphasizes application of skills, therefore, passages that students have not previously read are provided.

Students and parents can access the stories, games, and materials online.  The stories indicate the strategies, skills, vocabulary, essential question, genre, etc. that were included in that learning cycle.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  Throughout the year, I will be attending additional district-wide training for 3rd-5th grade teachers on the Wonders program.  Any questions that I can't answer, I will certainly find out the answer for you!

Mrs. Rodriguez

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What's new?

We've added tabs to the blog.  Be sure you read over them.  The "Stay Informed" tab includes a lot of the information we discussed at Open House.

Open House Information

It looks like we had about 50% of our students represented at last night's Open House.  The parents who attended learned all about policies, procedures, how to stay in touch, how to stay informed about class events, how to receive weekly grade updates via email, as well as other valuable information regarding their child's fourth grade experience.

If you were unable to attend, we will be sending home your child's parent portal information.  We're counting on you to seek the information you missed so you'll be "in the know!"

During our presentation, Mrs. Lynch and I emphasized the importance of working collaboratively to help your child to build study/work skills, as well as personal responsibility.  We are asking parents who did not attend to make sure that you read pages 2-12 in your child's agenda book to familiarize yourself with school policies, procedures, dress code information, school dates, etc.  Also, we would like for you to subscribe to this new blog in order to receive blog updates via email, and to sign up for text reminders.

We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year!

P.S.  Mrs. Lynch and I had a little contest going on last night to see which of us would have the most parents attending.  Sadly, I lost!!  Let's see if next time, we can both double our numbers!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Rodriguez

Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekly Update 9/7


  • Open House is tonight!  Please join us in Mrs. Rodriguez's room from either 6:00-6:45pm or 7:00-7:45pm.  We look forward to seeing you!  Child care will be provided.  :)
  • There's a spirit night at Sonny's tomorrow.  Look for the flier your child will bring home today.

AVID inspections are coming!

In an effort to improve our students' study/organizational skills, our 4th graders will have their agenda books and binders periodically reviewed.  These items will be evaluated for content, organization, etc. The first agenda book review will take place this week, and the form will be stapled onto one of this week's pages.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Where did we move from?

Blog posts from August and early September can be found here:

Mrs. Lynch's Blog

Mrs. Rodriguez's Blog

Weekly Update 9/2

Good morning and Happy September!
  • Please review and sign your child's agenda book each night.
  • The PTO is meeting tonight at 6:00pm in the Media Center.
  • The coupon card fundraiser ends Friday.  The proceeds from this fundraiser will help us purchase a new marquee sign for the front of the school. The cost of each card is only $10.  Take a look at the picture on the flyer you received on Friday and you'll quickly realize how easily you can earn back your $10 and then begin saving even more!
  • Students will take their first Language Arts and Math Tests today.  Ask your child about it when they get home today!
  • Wonder how your child is doing with their AR Goal?  You can log-in here  https://hosted337.renlearn.com/60132/HomeConnect/Login.aspx.  You can sign up for AR to send you emails when your child takes a test.  This is an EASY way to stay on top of it!  
  • Students should be reading an AR book and practicing multiplication facts every night as part of their homework routine.
  • Looking Ahead:
    Sept. 8th – OPEN HOUSE 6:00 – 8:00  PM
    Sept. 9th – Spirit Night At Sonny’s BBQ 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Have a great week!
Mrs. Lynch