Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tumbler Fundraiser

We will be selling themed tumblers for $16 in order to raise more money for technology at our school. There is a large variety of tumblers to choose from including a special one with the Springwood logo. 

They will not be collecting daily, but instead will only be collecting on certain days. 
Those days are:
  • TOMORROW - students will be receive bonus prizes if they sell some tonight and turn in their order tomorrow
  • Friday, March 6
  • Monday, March 9
  • Wednesday, March 11
  • Friday, March 13 - LAST DAY
SAC will be collecting orders and money in the cafeteria on those days from 8:00 - 8:30. The last day to collect money and orders is on Friday, March 13 before we leave for spring break.