Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekly Update 1/12


  • Take You Parent To School Day was great!  Thank you to those that came to see what we do every day...hope that Math Quiz wasn't too bad.  You were all good sports about it!  
  • It's Celebrate Literacy week.  Refer to the flyer that went home last week, or your child's agenda book, to see the events going on each day.
  • The Book Fair is going on all week.  Students may bring money to purchase books all week.
  • There is no school next Monday, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 
  • Students should be working on their Florida Studies Newspapers and Reading Logs throughout the week!  
  • We are proud to say that we had the most students meet their AR goal in 4th grade.  We're hoping to continue to hold onto this title in the 3rd nine weeks!  (Mrs. Lynch's homeroom are the classroom champs, but the Lynch/Rodriguez crew are the combined 4th grade winners.)  Encourage your child to read a chapter book each night!
  • We're moving through fractions in Math.  You can see what we've been studying by checking out the blog post below this one.  Students CAN bring home their Math notes!
  • Birthday reminder:  We are happy to help your child celebrate their special day.  Please remember to send in individual treats that can be easily passed out (cookies, cupcakes...not a sheet cake that requires cutting).  It helps us out a lot when the treat is dropped off in the morning!  Thank you for understanding.