Monday, April 6, 2015

How can I check AR at home?

Want to know if your child is "on track with AR?"  Here's a quick and easy way to find out.

Click here.

Enter your child's student ID number.  It can be found on the Report Card near their name. Also, they know this 9-digit number.  If your child doesn't know what you mean by "student number," ask them, "what is your 171 number?"  They'll recite it quicker than you can type it.

The password is their first and last initial.

You will see other things on the screen when you log in, but here's the important part.

Below you see a student that is on track with points, but has not met the percent correct.  Students must have an 85% correct AND have 35% of the points they need by Friday to be considered making appropriate progress.

You can also see your child's reading level.  In this example, the child is reading books at a "3.3 level."  This means the average book read is a book appropriate for a 3rd grader in the 3 month of the school year. This information is VALUABLE!  It tells you your child's reading ability.  Students should at least be at a 4.7 reading level with 85% on the quizzes taken.