Friday, March 27, 2015

4th Quarter AR Contract/Tracking Sheet

We have a new system for tracking AR progress this quarter.  Today you will see your child's AR contract and tracking sheet stapled inside his/her agenda book.  Each Friday your child will record their AR progress.  For homework over the weekend, they will need to get the form initialed by a parent.  Two homework grades will be given:  100%  for getting the form initialed by Monday, and 100%  for being "on track."  Being "on track" weekly with AR means that your child met the weekly percentage of their goal AND they have an average percent correct of 85 or higher.  Students will receive a grade of 0% for each criteria that was not met. Please help to support our efforts by asking your child about what they're reading, monitoring the time that they spend reading, initialing the paper weekly, discussing their progress with them, and last but not least, by providing a reward or consequence weekly for their AR performance.  Better readers equals better students and we want ALL of our students to be successful!!  Please let Mrs. Rodriguez know if you have any questions!!